

Please do not mistake who I am for what you will find here. These are generous allowances by those who thought enough of me to bring to others. They are anomalies of description based on a process that was never meant as a vehicle of acceptance. Rather, the imagery was constructed for the onslaught of emotional drought, to wage war on my own insecurities, and to alleviate the coldness of being alone. All I had wished was that I might inquire of those things that get in our way, and to learn enough to bring a different perspective to my students. In this way an alternative offering may be made to those who often think in absolutes. So that they might believe enough in their own journey to be unafraid of the consequences of sharing it.

T H E   R U L E S   O F   T R A G E D Y

T H E   M E A S U R E   O F   M O V E M E N T S  

T H E   G E S T U R E S   O F   T H E   M Y T H I C

C O N T E M P O R A R Y   C H I C A N A   A N D   C H I C A N O   A R T

L E A R N I N G   T H R O U G H   T H E   L E N S

M Y T H O L O G I E S   O F   T H E   S P I R I T

S P I R I T U A L I T Y,  S Y M B O L I S M,  V I S U A L    

N A R R A T I V E S,  A N D   T H E   I N T E R P R E T I V E

R O L E   O F   T H E   V I E W E R

A R T I S T   S P O T L I G H T

L I G H T   W O R K

W H A T   F O L L O W S

Q U E S T I O N S   A N D   A N S W E R S

A   G E N T L E   E Y E

S E L E C T E D   Q U O T E S


"The work is too beautiful, it is not for everyone. Do not expect parades and loud applause. Magic and sorcery are private acts."

Duane Michals

"You are an explorer of depths, of both photography and human psychology."

Eikoh Hosoe

"Antón's work reminds the viewer that the medium is not necessary the message."

Kenneth Mitchel Snow

"The photographs are beautiful, dark and sensuous, suggesting experiences that are both personal and archetypal. The images encounter the human body at iconic stages of development: embryonic, pubescent, mature and dying. Full of allusions to Catholicism, modern medicine, and ancient methods of healing, the most compelling images contain references are somewhat ambiguos, even superficially contradictory. The body is both sacred and demystified, deconstructed and made whole."

Deirdre Visser

"Allowing memory to overtake the reality of the medium of photography, Antón delves into the realm of the subconscious creating images with a performative force that is punctuated by an undercurrent of lyrical mysticism. Engaging in a Jungian psychological mode of artistic creation, one in which the contents of his consciousness are illuminated and interpreted, Antón creates images that transcend the personal and elicit the collective."

Harris Fogel

"For Antón, revelation is the imaginative freedom to create abstract works that answer only to their own logic of shape, line, texture, and composition. His photographs are of the interior world within each of us. The viewer's consciousness is jolted awake and he/she realizes that there is more here than meets the eyes."

Belle McDonnell

"Antón's photographs do not speak about what is physically represented, but about the memory of emotion induced by the atmosphere that permeates them."

Tory Read

"Don Antón speaks of an intuitive approach in which images reveal "my origins in thought, and time". Magic, a sense of meaning that transcends the rational and the readily visible inheres in the work. So does a sense of photography as instrument of discovery that mediates between the determinism of culture and the possibility of manipulating the personal."

Andy Grundberg

"The best way to describe his work is to eliminate what it doesn't evoke - apathy. His photographs are so powerful, so passionate, it's impossible to walk by one without trying to put the different images together in a way that somehow makes sense in your head."

Julie Yamorsky

"The images exist beyond present time, placing themselves somewhere between dreamtime and the subconscious. They echo the memory of universal life cycles - birth, death, loss and realization - evoking eternal myths and primordial understanding."

Richard A. Lou

"Don Gregorio Antón inspires us to think with our hearts, let our souls guide us, and let go of any preconceived notions about art, which in turn allows us to be awe stricken by his visually-stunning narrative acts."

Blue Mitchell

"These pieces, as in all of Antón's work in photography and in teaching, are above all gifts. They bring the gift of opportunity. He does not offer you what to learn, but rather how to learn. He does not simply show you a photograph, he allows you to enter into it. In doing so, Don Antón's photographs offer us the opportunity to see the richness and undeniable power of hope."

Cyrus Smith



Baltimore Museum of Art - Baltimore, Maryland

Bibliotheque Nationale - Paris, France

Boston Public Library - Boston, Mass.

Consejo Mexicano de Fotografia - Mexico City, Mexico

Cornell University - Ithaca, New York

Crocker Museum of Art - Sacramento, Ca.

Humboldt State University - Arcata, Ca.

Light Work - Syracuse, New York

M.A.R.S. - Phoenix, Arizona

Museum of Fine Arts - Houston, Texas

Museum of Photographic Arts - Balboa Park, San Diego

Royal Photographic Society - Bath, England

Santa Barbara Museum of Art - Santa Barbara, Ca.

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art - San Francisco, Ca.

University of Oklahoma Museum of Art - Norman, Okla.